Posts Tagged: Common Core State Standards

Why Learn Conversions???

  “The journey for an education starts with a childhood question.”     – David L. Finn As I played “Conversion Concentration” with a small group of students at the Games Station, one student asked the inevitable question about conversions, “Why do we have to learn this stuff?”…

FREE Math Vocabulary Game, Vocabulary French Fries

“My students knew how to solve the problem! They were just stuck on the math vocabulary words they didn’t know!”   “I never thought of using a math vocabulary game. I just introduce the words before the lesson and have them copy it in their notebooks.”…

Getting Started with Algebra Math Stations

Are you an Algebra teacher who is wanting to begin using math stations, small groups, and guided instruction with your classes? If you are, then I’m already impressed and the students you have this year will be, too! Here are a few basic tips for implementing guided math instruction in a secondary classroom: 1.…

Does Tabor Rotation work with…?

Does Tabor Rotation work with… …CCSS-Common Core State Standards? …TEKS-Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills? …CCGPS-Common Core Georgia Performance Standards? …my district’s mandated curriculum? …the new program my district just adopted? The list could go on and on, but the answer to every one of the questions above is YES!…

Effective Math Stations? Leader Folders!

How do I make math stations more effective? What’s the most important resource for Leaders and Co-Leaders? How do I make sure that students aren’t just receiving guided math instruction from me but are also guiding each other and themselves? One answer is, “Make sure you create a Leader Folder for every station and every activity during the Rotation to the 4 Stations [One of the 14 Essential Elements of the Tabor Rotation Framework and a vital component of a week of Tabor Rotation].”…

Increasing Scores via Financial Literacy

How can you increase scores on a state test by teaching financial literacy? That was one of the questions asked by several teachers who were recently trained in M-Cubed: Meaningful Math Management. This resource is used nationwide to teach accountability and personal financial literacy at the same time.…

Common Core & Personal Financial Literacy

A math teacher at a recent Tabor Rotation training session came up during the break and began sharing her frustration with me, “I’m just learning the CCSS (Common Core State Standards) that our state recently adopted. Now our district is mandating small group instruction, math workstations, and regular intervention.…