Posts Tagged: Leadership Capacity

What Teachers Can do to Make Tabor Rotation Successful

“Teaching is a calling, too. And, I’ve always thought that teachers, in their way, are holy- angels leading their flocks out of the darkness.”     -Jeannette Walls, Half Broken Horses In September of 2013, I began to work with a team of teachers who were looking for a way to provide better math instruction to their students.…

How Can a Skills Specialist Support Tabor Rotation?

  “Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen.”     -Pete Carroll, Head Coach of the Seattle Seahawks Since she has done an absolutely AMAZING job of supporting the teachers at Carter Academy in Aldine ISD, AND they have had amazing results, I posed this question to skills specialist Amanda Rodriguez.…

Effective Math Stations? Leader Folders!

How do I make math stations more effective? What’s the most important resource for Leaders and Co-Leaders? How do I make sure that students aren’t just receiving guided math instruction from me but are also guiding each other and themselves? One answer is, “Make sure you create a Leader Folder for every station and every activity during the Rotation to the 4 Stations [One of the 14 Essential Elements of the Tabor Rotation Framework and a vital component of a week of Tabor Rotation].”…