Posts Tagged: Real World Application of Math

Why Learn Conversions???

  “The journey for an education starts with a childhood question.”     – David L. Finn As I played “Conversion Concentration” with a small group of students at the Games Station, one student asked the inevitable question about conversions, “Why do we have to learn this stuff?”…

Guided Math via the Teacher Time Station

The most popular math station during a week of Tabor Rotation? In every survey, formal or informal, the answer is always Teacher Time. This is the guided math station, of the Tabor Rotation Framework, where teachers plan to teach a small group of  the most difficult concepts for the week.…

More Questions, PLEASE!

?????????????? A friend recently shared with me her winter break experience taking her daughter to a hands-on museum. She said they spent six hours at the museum. She really wanted to share the questions her daughter was asking as she was interacting with the hands-on exhibits.…