Posts Tagged: Small Group Math Instruction

Why Learn Conversions???

  “The journey for an education starts with a childhood question.”     – David L. Finn As I played “Conversion Concentration” with a small group of students at the Games Station, one student asked the inevitable question about conversions, “Why do we have to learn this stuff?”…

Supporting Guided Math Using Tabor Rotation

How can I support the implementation of balanced, small-group, guided math instruction in my school? How do I keep the momentum going after attending a Tabor Rotation Training? How do I share my enthusiasm and expertise in an effective way? These questions are asked quite frequently by teacher leaders, math coaches, administrators, and specialist who want to build the grass-roots movement of Tabor Rotation.  …

Encouraging Simultaneous Interaction

  “If you have a candle, the light won’t glow any dimmer if I light yours off of mine.”     -Steven Tyler, Aerosmith A participant in a recent Tabor Rotation Institute asked me this question, “Why is simultaneous interaction so important?” Jeff Sapp writes about the transformational power of simultaneous interaction in at-risk schools in the Electronic Journal of Science Education, Number 30: Fall, 2006.…