Posts Tagged: Algebra

Algebra LEGO Math Games

Can a learner have FUN solving systems of equations by substitution AND understand it by using LEGOs? YES! With Solving Systems of Equations with LEGO Bricks, learners will compete to see who can be first to represent an equation, from a system of equations, using LEGO bricks.…

Two FREE Games to Teach Exponents

Exponents are useful, applicable, mathematical, and sometimes downright annoying! I like the way BetterExplained.Com explains it. Numbers aren’t just a count; a better viewpoint is a position on a line. This position can be negative (-1), between other numbers (sqrt(2)), or in another dimension (i).   What does 3^10 mean to you?…

2 NEW Math Game Videos, Distributive Property & Integers

One of this week’s new Move Ahead @ Home math game videos is DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY 6TH GRADE  This game teaches the distributive property to 5th-7th graders in a hands-on, concrete way using LEGO® bricks! DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY 6TH GRADE is fun, engaging, and will move learners ahead in algebra!…

Transformation Rules FREE Game & Foldable

The ability to transform functions is not always automatic. It must be learned. As a bonus, if you learn the transformation rules for functions, then you can use them like a pro AND an artist. Your unit on transformations of linear functions will become easier for your students, if you use the Rules for Transformation of Linear Functions Game.…

6 Easy Steps to Algebra Math Stations

Are you an Algebra teacher who is wanting to begin using Algebra math stations, small groups, and guided instruction with your classes?  If you are, then I’m already impressed and the students you have this year will be, too! Here are a few basic tips for implementing guided math instruction and Algebra math stations in a secondary classroom: 1.…

FREE GAME FRIDAY: Vocabulary Pizza Party

  Want a fun way to engage students with math vocabulary at the secondary and elementary level? Want to spice up learning the graphing of functions and geometry? Then get cookin’ with this FRIDAY’S FREE GAME Vocabulary Pizza Party Everything you need for Algebra Graphing Functions and Geometry at the 3rd grade level is in FREE MATH MATERIALS.…

FREE GAME for Learning Algebraic Expressions in Guided Math

I don’t remember Algebra being fun in school. I don’t remember any hands-on experiences for anything in Algebra–including expressions. So, when I began teaching Algebra I was determined to make it concrete-to-pictorial-to-abstract and, above all else, it was going to be FUN! One of the ways I do this is by incorporating roaches, flies, and ladybugs into my Algebra guided math lessons and into my Tabor Rotation math stations.…

Getting Started with Algebra Math Stations

Are you an Algebra teacher who is wanting to begin using math stations, small groups, and guided instruction with your classes? If you are, then I’m already impressed and the students you have this year will be, too! Here are a few basic tips for implementing guided math instruction in a secondary classroom: 1.…

Hands-On Algebra: A Scavenger Hunt

How do you engage students? How do you teach them to be innovative and creative? You think outside the box as a teacher. Recently, an Algebra I teacher sent me an email sharing an incredible task she created for her students. I was fascinated by her meaningfully application of the concepts she was teaching and asked her if I could share her task.…

What can you hear in your room?

“There is no such thing as a worthless conversation, provided you know what to listen for. And questions are the breath of life for a conversation.”     -James Nathan Miller “You were the first person to stop talking at me and give me something I could move in Algebra.…