Posts Tagged: Assessment

Geometry–Out of the Box!

I received an email this morning from a Geometry Instructor/Assistant Athletic Director who has been using the Tabor Rotation Framework at the Secondary Level for the past two years. Attached to it was a real-world assessment of the geometrical concept of transformations. I was engaged just by reading it!…

Getting Started with Algebra Math Stations

Are you an Algebra teacher who is wanting to begin using math stations, small groups, and guided instruction with your classes? If you are, then I’m already impressed and the students you have this year will be, too! Here are a few basic tips for implementing guided math instruction in a secondary classroom: 1.…

How to Prepare Students for High Stakes Tests

“The world is full of people who have dreams of playing at Carnegie Hall, of running a marathon, and of owning their own business. The difference between the people who make it across the finish line and everyone else is one simple thing: an action plan.”    …

The Power of Teacher Observation

Maria Montessori says, “We cannot create observers by saying “observe,” but by giving them the power and the means for this observation.” I cannot agree more and that is why Clipboard Cruising is one of the 14 Essential Elements of the Tabor Rotation Framework. Clipboard Cruising, or constant and consistent teacher observation is complimented by two other Essential Elements of Tabor Rotation, Exit Questions and Math Journal Writing.…

Accountability in Small-Group Instruction

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment to improve the world.”     -Anne Frank Many secondary teachers are fine-tuning the use of small-group instruction in their classrooms. The email below is an incredible exchange with great information. Hope it helps some of you, too.…

Pre-Asssessing, Gathering Information, Making Waves!

“Why go into something to test the waters ? Go into it to make waves.” Pre-Assessment and On-Going Assessment are some of the Essential Elements of the Tabor Rotation Framework. They’re also foundational components in a differentiated classroom. Whether you’re sophisticating your methods for assessing your students or just beginning to use on-going assessments, they’re a great place to begin a journey differentiating instruction in a classroom.…

More Exit Questions, Please!

“A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.” -Francis Bacon “Talent alone won’t make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready. The most important question is: “Are your ready?” -Johnny Carson During follow-up conferencing this week I was asked a wonderful question.…

Scheduling Remediation in Math

“Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions. ” Edgar Cayce Many educators, who have attended my workshops concerned with simplifying small-group, differentiated instruction in mathematics using the Tabor Rotation Framework, have submitted questions. Before the year is over, my goal is to respond to as many of these questions as possible.…