Posts Tagged: CAMT 2010

Scheduling Assessment in Tabor Rotation

“Every piece of the puzzle that doesn’t fit gets you closer to the answer.” – Cynthia Copeland Lewis “Doctors and scientists said that breaking the four-minute mile was impossible, that one would die in the attempt. Thus, when I got up from the track after collapsing at the finish line, I figured I was dead.”    …

Tabor Rotation Time Line

I’m sending a WOO HOO to all the educators who attended the Tabor Rotation sessions at CAMT 2010 in San Antonio this past weekend! Your attendance and enthusiasm indicated your desire to more effectively implement small-group, differentiated instruction in mathematics. Many of you requested the Tabor Rotation Time Line for Elementary School.…

CAMT 2010–Got Questions?

Thank you to all the CAMT participants who attended my morning session on Tabor Rotation–what a FANTASTIC audience!!! I’ll be posting the time line and other requested resources tonight. I’m at CAMT all day Friday and will be available to answer questions, share ideas, or discuss professional development possibilities.…