Posts Tagged: Effective Planning

Is differentiating instruction worth the effort?

How do I know differentiating instruction works? Will using small groups in the classroom really make a difference when they sit and listen to my lecture? What’s the big deal about Tabor Rotation? As one math supervisor put it, “Tabor Rotation changes everything. It helps students think.…

Tip for Small Groups in Math: Use Leaders!

“The task of leadership is not to put greatness in to humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there.”     -John Buchan This summer I’ve had the honor of working with a great number of dedicated educators. These educators have come with a positive attitude and an open mind.…

Teachers, Tailors, & Swimming Pools

“The only person who behaves sensibly is my tailor.  He takes my measure every time he sees me.  All the rest go on with their old measurements.” -George Bernard Shaw I was reminded of the importance of on-going assessment while watching my children swim at the neighborhood pool.…

A Sneak “Peek” at Small-Group, Differentiated Instruction

How can a teacher become more efficient in the classroom? How can our schools make the most of mathematical minutes? What does RtI (Response to Intervention) look like in a high school classroom? What does a week of small-group, differentiated instruction look like? Help! Elementary & secondary level teachers, administrators, leadership teams, departments, and districts are looking for good examples of small-group, differentiated instruction in mathematics.…

Pre-Asssessing, Gathering Information, Making Waves!

“Why go into something to test the waters ? Go into it to make waves.” Pre-Assessment and On-Going Assessment are some of the Essential Elements of the Tabor Rotation Framework. They’re also foundational components in a differentiated classroom. Whether you’re sophisticating your methods for assessing your students or just beginning to use on-going assessments, they’re a great place to begin a journey differentiating instruction in a classroom.…

The gift that cannot be contained…

“Time cannot be contained, only the memories caught within that time can be!” -Diane Dutchin What do your children want for a present? I am asked this question frequently, especially around the holidays and their birthdays. For the past few years I simply answer, “They want you.…

Help for the Common Lecture

“I’m a high school teacher who teaches Algebra. There is so much information to cover, that I really need to lecture. I know I shouldn’t just lecture…HELP!” I’m glad you’re thinking about ways to “shake up” what’s going on in your classroom to best meet the needs of your students.…

Dreams Become Reality

About 8 years ago, before the movie “The Bucket List” was released, my brother asked me a great question. He asked me what my dreams were, what I wanted in my life, and what I wanted to make into reality. He also asked me if I had written them down somewhere and if I reread them on a regular basis.…

Whole-Group Mini-Lessons

“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.” -Stephen R. Covey “Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.” -Rodin “I get that the Whole-Group Mini-Lessons shouldn’t be 45 minutes long since the students aren’t listening after 10 or 15 minutes anyway.…

Long-Range Planning for Differentiated Instruction

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” -Mark Twain I’ve posted several blogs on the topic of planning effectively. [Read] Part of my on-going support of schools with whom I have worked is assisting them in the planning process.…