Posts Tagged: Flexible Grouping

A Sneak “Peek” at Small-Group, Differentiated Instruction

How can a teacher become more efficient in the classroom? How can our schools make the most of mathematical minutes? What does RtI (Response to Intervention) look like in a high school classroom? What does a week of small-group, differentiated instruction look like? Help! Elementary & secondary level teachers, administrators, leadership teams, departments, and districts are looking for good examples of small-group, differentiated instruction in mathematics.…

Flexible Grouping in Tabor Rotation

“The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man’s foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher.” -Thomas Henry Huxley I’ve been receiving a lot of questions about Tabor Rotation (a highly successful, research-based strategy for rigorously differentiating instruction in mathematics) and how to implement the essential components of T.R.…