Posts Tagged: FREE Math Game

Two FREE Games to Teach Exponents

Exponents are useful, applicable, mathematical, and sometimes downright annoying! I like the way BetterExplained.Com explains it. Numbers arenā€™t just a count; a better viewpoint is aĀ position on a line. This position can be negative (-1), between other numbers (sqrt(2)), or in another dimension (i).   What does 3^10 mean to you?…

FREE Math Vocabulary Game, Vocabulary French Fries

ā€œMy students knew how to solve the problem! They were just stuck on the math vocabulary words they didnā€™t know!ā€   ā€œI never thought of using a math vocabulary game. I just introduce the words before the lesson and have them copy it in their notebooks.ā€…

FREE GAME for Learning Algebraic Expressions in Guided Math

I donā€™t remember Algebra being fun in school. I donā€™t remember any hands-on experiences for anything in Algebra–including expressions. So, when I began teaching Algebra I was determined to make it concrete-to-pictorial-to-abstract and, above all else, it was going to be FUN! One of the ways I do this is by incorporating roaches, flies, and ladybugs into my Algebra guided math lessons and into my Tabor Rotation math stations.…

Integers in Math Stations

Integer: a number with no fractional part; includes the counting numbers {1, 2, 3, ā€¦}, zero {0}, and the negative of the counting numbers {-1, -2, -3, ā€¦} The term integer is not typically used in a secondary studentā€™s everyday life. Thereā€™s no shortened version for texting it.…