Posts Tagged: Guided Math Instruction

Why Learn Conversions???

  “The journey for an education starts with a childhood question.”     – David L. Finn As I played “Conversion Concentration” with a small group of students at the Games Station, one student asked the inevitable question about conversions, “Why do we have to learn this stuff?”…

FREE GAME for Learning Algebraic Expressions in Guided Math

I don’t remember Algebra being fun in school. I don’t remember any hands-on experiences for anything in Algebra–including expressions. So, when I began teaching Algebra I was determined to make it concrete-to-pictorial-to-abstract and, above all else, it was going to be FUN! One of the ways I do this is by incorporating roaches, flies, and ladybugs into my Algebra guided math lessons and into my Tabor Rotation math stations.…

Tabor Rotation Training is Transformational!

The last two Tabor Rotation training sessions for the 2015-16 school year were full of excitement, enthusiasm, and receptivity. The days were amazingly positive, but what happened after the training was even more impressive. With just a few weeks left in the school year, participants went back to their classrooms and immediately began to use the strategies they learned.…

What Teachers Can do to Make Tabor Rotation Successful

“Teaching is a calling, too. And, I’ve always thought that teachers, in their way, are holy- angels leading their flocks out of the darkness.”     -Jeannette Walls, Half Broken Horses In September of 2013, I began to work with a team of teachers who were looking for a way to provide better math instruction to their students.…

Hands-On Expanded Form

  What is expanded form and how do we make the practice of expanded form hands on and engaging? Let’s start with the first question. Expanded Form is… …the writing of a number to show the value of each digit. …the sum of each digit multiplied by its place value.…

Guided Math via the Teacher Time Station

The most popular math station during a week of Tabor Rotation? In every survey, formal or informal, the answer is always Teacher Time. This is the guided math station, of the Tabor Rotation Framework, where teachers plan to teach a small group of  the most difficult concepts for the week.…

Does Tabor Rotation work with…?

Does Tabor Rotation work with… …CCSS-Common Core State Standards? …TEKS-Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills? …CCGPS-Common Core Georgia Performance Standards? …my district’s mandated curriculum? …the new program my district just adopted? The list could go on and on, but the answer to every one of the questions above is YES!…

Math Stations: Big Classes Need “Pair” Bags

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”     -Michael Jordan That’s why teams working together at math stations are a vital component of the Tabor Rotation Framework. Effectively equipping teams for their work is imperative—especially in a math classroom at a math station! When teachers begin to sophisticate their use of students working in math stations in a classroom, many questions arise.…

Effective Math Stations? Leader Folders!

How do I make math stations more effective? What’s the most important resource for Leaders and Co-Leaders? How do I make sure that students aren’t just receiving guided math instruction from me but are also guiding each other and themselves? One answer is, “Make sure you create a Leader Folder for every station and every activity during the Rotation to the 4 Stations [One of the 14 Essential Elements of the Tabor Rotation Framework and a vital component of a week of Tabor Rotation].”…