Posts Tagged: Mathematics

Scheduling Assessment in Tabor Rotation

“Every piece of the puzzle that doesn’t fit gets you closer to the answer.” – Cynthia Copeland Lewis “Doctors and scientists said that breaking the four-minute mile was impossible, that one would die in the attempt. Thus, when I got up from the track after collapsing at the finish line, I figured I was dead.”    …

Carrots..Sticks…or True Motivation

Thank you to all the educators who have been visiting my website, using the FREE RESOURCES, requesting more information, and asking really good questions. This post will address some of the questions I’ve received over the last few weeks about motivating students when using student-directed small groups.…

Tabor Rotation Time Line

I’m sending a WOO HOO to all the educators who attended the Tabor Rotation sessions at CAMT 2010 in San Antonio this past weekend! Your attendance and enthusiasm indicated your desire to more effectively implement small-group, differentiated instruction in mathematics. Many of you requested the Tabor Rotation Time Line for Elementary School.…

Developing Number Sense: Counting

I’m glad the parent blogs have been so well received! If you’re an educator reading this blog you can use all of the ideals with your students in small groups. The concepts explored in today’s blog deal with the prerequisites for counting and are appropriate for Pre-K, K, and 1st grades.…

Free Math Resources for Parents

Yea, parents!!! Due to your overwhelmingly positive (and rapid) response to the parent ideas, I’m posting resources for parents on the FREE RESOURCES page of my web site. Just click on this link and download the first two activities: The next blog about number sense will be posted tomorrow.…

Developing Number Sense, Part 1

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” -Albert Einstein I recently attended a “Mom’s Night Out.” A large group of us decided a few months ago to try and find the best chips and salsa in the area by visiting a restaurant a month.…

Differentiation: Planning for Student Diversity

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou An effectively differentiated lesson clearly indicates that the teacher has anticipated and planned for student diversity (Tomlinson, 1999).…

You Don’t Have to Know All the “Facts” to Think!

“We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible.” -Vince Lombardi “Give me a lever long enough and a prop strong enough. I can single-handedly move the world.” -Archimedes I was working with several students helping them develop greater number sense and algebraic thinking.…

Finding the GCF

“True scholarship consists in knowing not what things exist, but what they mean; it is not memory but judgment.” -James Russell Lowell Do any of you remember being thrilled about learning how to simplify fractions? I memorized some rules for how to do it and used these rules to complete worksheets filled with fractions.…

Differentiating Instruction is a Philosophy, Not a Program

“Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you’ll see the way to fly.” -from the poem, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, by Richard Bach “What we call differentiated is not a recipe for teaching.…