Posts Tagged: secondary mathematics

Application Menus

“The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.” -Flora Whittemore “My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy; you don’t make them because they are cheap; you don’t make them because they’re popular; you make them because they’re right.”…

Grouping in Math Using Tabor Rotation

“Always behave like a duck-keep calm and unruffled on the surface, but paddle like the devil underneath.” -Lord Barbizon “Help! My class is so much BIGGER this year… …what do I do?” “I just found out that I have 28-30 students. How do I use math stations now?”…

Is differentiating instruction worth the effort?

How do I know differentiating instruction works? Will using small groups in the classroom really make a difference when they sit and listen to my lecture? What’s the big deal about Tabor Rotation? As one math supervisor put it, “Tabor Rotation changes everything. It helps students think.…

Grouping Students via a Value Line & Folded Spectrum

How can a teacher ensure simultaneous interaction in their classroom? How do you easily and quickly group students? How can one assess the depth of their students’ understanding of a concept? One simple, interactive, and non-threatening way to do this is by using a “Value Line” and a “Folded Spectrum.”…

Simultaneous vs. Sequential Interaction

What is the difference between simultaneous and sequential interaction? When I first pose this question to students, I ask them to think about the definition of each word for a couple of minutes. Then I ask them to share with their partner what they thought (Think-Pair-Share).…

A Sneak “Peek” at Small-Group, Differentiated Instruction

How can a teacher become more efficient in the classroom? How can our schools make the most of mathematical minutes? What does RtI (Response to Intervention) look like in a high school classroom? What does a week of small-group, differentiated instruction look like? Help! Elementary & secondary level teachers, administrators, leadership teams, departments, and districts are looking for good examples of small-group, differentiated instruction in mathematics.…

Small Groups & Games in High School Math…Really???

“Without initiative, leaders are simply workers in leadership positions.” -Bo Bennet Why do I need to change the way I teach high school students? What’s the big deal with small groups? What does differentiated instruction have to do with high school math—that stuff is for the little guys!…